A few weeks ago, I shared some reflections as I was saying goodbye to my Good Shepherd parishioners. A staff member suggested it might have been helpful to share those thoughts when I first arrived in Orlando, not just at the end of my time there. It is not great wisdom I share, but an attempt to highlight the values and activities I see as important and will incorporate into my leadership ministry at St. Ann.
• A strong and complete sense of the La Salette ministry
Learning the message of Our Lady is GOOD, BUT making it felt, known and lived is most important. My experiences developing the La Salette laity program, working on missions, journeying to La Salette, France, and coordinating five laity summits (with the next one in Atlanta in 2025), enable me to share the reconciling charism of our community. I will try to help you, my fellow disciples, understand what makes a La Salette tick and how the heart of our belief is for all of us.
• A fundamental belief in the rights and power of laity to be partners with clergy, staff and parish leadership
We call it stewardship in practice, but it begins with a profound sense of the baptismal priesthood that we all share and the role of disciple that we are all challenged to live. We build community life together as we work, play, sing, dance, eat and drink together. Jesus taught the disciples more when they were traveling, eating, sleeping, learning and practicing the values that he proclaimed. St. Ann’s community depends upon each one of us sharing ourselves and being committed to love each other.
• An acceptance of community diversity as a treasure and a grace
We come from different states and countries, we speak various languages to others and to God and we have different understandings of what is important, valuable and sacred. We eat different foods, we enjoy various activities, we have our individual preferences, likes and dislikes. We are rich or poor; we are well-educated, or we struggled to learn; we are unique. This is NOT a problem, NOT a difficulty or NOT something to divide us. It is our greatest strength when we allow the uniqueness of the individual to prosper and grow.
• A goal of being one as a community
There is no place for “them and us” in any shape or form. We build one community by praying together, learning together, socializing with one another and by a common commitment to support and nurture each other. We know we must love one another as Christ loved us. Amazingly, we do that more often than not.
We are each called to do our best and even though we all fail, we continue to dedicate ourselves, trying to create that ideal community, that sacred people, that loving and generous group that is willing to help those who are struggling. We welcome the stranger, the immigrant, the struggling, the sinner, the difficult person, the talented one, the singer and the silent. In all of this we find the very fabric of community. Acceptance, love and encouragement are the values that can make us great.
• A commitment to church is more than an hour each week at Mass
It is living out the Eucharist in a sacred and dedicated way so that we bring Jesus Christ into the world, our homes, our life moments. We make God’s glory evident in all we are and do. We meet for prayer, food and support to truly become a church. We are a pilgrim people that in our travels meet God in one another.
• A continued commitment to parish formation
You have grown so well into a unified dynamic community. We need to continue to do that in the future. Whatever St. Ann’s previous pastors and all who served this magnificent community were able to do, whatever you did together, and all that is valuable, sacred and important needs to continue. I am not here to change your successes, but hopefully help us in our continued journey and growth as a pilgrim church.
In welcoming a new pastor with his visions and priorities, the values you have found sacred and successful will continue. New ideas and ideals will abound and make our community even stronger.
Thank you for your welcome to St. Ann. I hope I will offer you my best in all I do as I assume this daunting task of leadership. Each day you will be in my thoughts for the wonders of your past, in my prayers for your needs and ministry of the present, and in my hopes and dreams that we will continue toward a better future.
Father Jim
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Email: contact@st-ann.org
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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