Encounter Bible studies

While reading scripture individually is an important part of prayer practice,

discussing and sharing it with others as part of a small faith community,

brings new perspectives and helps us to see how our story fits into God’s story of salvation.


Contact the facilitators to sign up

 or Stephanie Holden, sholden@st-ann.org.

Timeline: A Story of Salvation

Mondays starting

Jan 6 (16 weeks and 8 in fall)

9:30-11:30am •Donnellan Café 

The Bible Timeline® study program takes you on a guided journey through salvation history. Presenter Jeff Cavins will show you how fourteen of the Bible’s narrative books tell the biblical story from beginning to end and will give you the keys to understanding the amazing story woven throughout Scripture.

Contact Jackie Mazoway, mazowayjackie8@gmail.com.

Jesus: The Way, the Truth and the Life  

 Marcellino D’Ambrosio

Tuesdays starting

January 28 (10 sessions)

9:30-11:30am • Donnellan Café 

The marvelous treasures of the Catholic Faith—the Eucharist, Mary, the saints, and the Creed—are all centered on a single figure: Jesus Christ. Jesus is more than a historical or theological figure. He is our Savior, our Redeemer, our Lord, and our God. While many of us already know a lot about him, how well can we say we really know him? Filmed on location in the Holy Land, Jesus: The Way, the Truth, and the Life is a new and fresh look at Jesus.

Contact Michele Kubiak,

The Pivotal Players Session 2

 Bishop Robert Barron, 
Word on Fire

Wednesdays starting

Jan 15 (9 weeks)

10:00am - Noon • Donnellan Café

In Pivotal Players, Bishop Robert Barron draws readers into the life and work of twelve Pivotal Players—from great saints such as St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas to literary masters such as G.K. Chesterton and Flannery O’Connor—who personally demonstrated the dynamics of the Christian faith in their distinct time and place.

 Contact Jackie Mazoway mazowayjackie8@gmail.com.

What We Believe: The Beauty of the Catholic Faith 

Ascension Press • Marcellino D’Ambrosio, Andrew and Sarah Swafford


January 22 (10 sessions)

7:00pm • Classroom 115  

What is the Catholic Church all about?
What does it mean to be Catholic? What do Catholics actually believe? Maybe you’ve been Catholic your entire life. Maybe you’re just beginning to explore the Catholic Faith. Wherever you may be in your journey, you will be profoundly moved by the beauty and the richness of the Catholic Church.

Contact Michele Kubiak mkubiak918@gmail.com.

Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled


Jan 22 (8 sessions)

 7:00pm • Donnellan Café

In Luke: The Story of Salvation Fulfilled, you will witness key moments in salvation history including the Annunciation, the Nativity, his public ministry, and Jesus’ suffering, death, and glorious Resurrection. This 8-part study will show you the biblical roots for Mary, the Rosary, and the Mass that are found in Luke, strengthening your prayer life like never before. Contact
Deb Brewer

Little Rock Scripture Study


The Holy Spirit In The Bible (7 weeks)

Little Rock Scripture Study

9:30am - 12:00pm

Jan 9 • Brunch and Intro. • Scouts Lodge

Jan 16 • Donnellan Café

The role of the Holy Spirit in our personal and

spiritual lives is explored.

Women In The New Testament (7 weeks)

Little Rock Scripture Study

9 AM - 11 AM

Feb 27 •  Mini Brunch and Introduction - LaSalette Hall

by Mari Cleveland, Seminar & Retreat Leader

March 6 - April 24 •

9:30 AM - 12 PM

Donnellan Café

Women were essential to the ministry of Jesus and the flourishing of the early church.

Explore the remarkable lives of these women of faith.

For more information contact

Joe Kelly papajoe9@bellsouth.net.

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