April 4, 2025

Friday of the Fourth Week of Lent

Lectionary 248

John 7:1-2,10,25-30:

"My hour had not yet come."


The invitation to share in God's life is constantly available. Our response to that invitation, sad to say, is not as constant. It seems we know God's invitation to new life long before we respond. It is hard to believe that God wants us to be even happier and more at peace than ever. However, there is a breakthrough every once in a while, and we know that the time for change is "right” – that the hour has come.

People in Jesus' time did not respond to him immediately. Their hour came when they could understand Jesus's death. Only when they came to a new understanding of his death could they know that their old ways of thinking would also have to die for them to change.

Mary's message to the children at La Salette emphasized the time had come for people to change and turn back to God. She spoke urgently: "How long I have suffered for you!" Her message required a response, not in the distant future but now: "I tried to show you with the potatoes last year. You paid no heed."

Reflection Questions

  • Can you expect the world to know the love of God if you are not ready to change now?
  • What time is it in your life?
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