A time of reflection, renewal, and preparation, calling us to slow down and take action through prayer, fasting, and almsgiving, creating space for deeper communion with Christ as we prepare for Easter.
The Temptation of Jesus: Jesus withdrew to the desert for 40 days, spending time in prayer and fasting.
Action: Bring in one nonperishable food item and place it on the altar steps before coming to Mass.
Saturday, March 8
Sunday, March 9.
Transfiguration of Jesus: The Apostles witnessed the Face of God in Jesus.
Action: Take home an intercession for someone else and pray for them throughout the season.
Lenten Call to Conversion: We are blessed with a God that is patient. This Lent we should turn from sin and turn toward God.
Action: Commit to attend the Parish Mission this week and enrich your Lent.
Parable of the Prodigal Son: The Son left and squandered his inheritance. He was left penniless.
Action: Bring in your shorts, jeans, or other items. Place them on the altar steps, and they will be shared with the homeless or donated to the St. Vincent DePaul thrift store. (Save some clothes to donate to the Garage Sale—proceeds also help those in need.)
The Adulterous Woman: The Adulterous woman is free to change her life.
Action: Help people limited by their poverty by supporting Unbound. Pray, adopt, or make a donation to the Santa Ana ministry and help someone change their life.
Palm Sunday: Jesus enters Jerusalem, embracing His passion and the path of sacrifice for our salvation.
Action: As we reflect on Jesus' ultimate sacrifice, bring the savings from your fasting to church and place it on the steps of the altar. Funds will be combined and donated to CRS to help those in need.
Fridays after fish dinners.
March 14
During the fish dinners.
April 8
Jesus went to the desert for 40 days to pray and fast. This weekend we will ask that everyone bring in one nonperishable food item and place it on the altar steps before Mass.
The Apostles witnessed the Face of God in Jesus. Everyone is encouraged to take home an intercession for someone else and pray for them throughout the season.
We are blessed with a God that is patient. This Lent we should turn from sin and turn toward God. Commit to attend the Parish Mission this week and enrich your Lent.
The Son left and squandered his inheritance. He was left penniless. This week we will clear our closets of clothing we no longer need. Bring in your shorts, jeans or other items. Place them on the altar steps and they will be shared with the homeless or donated to the St. Vincent DePaul thrift store. (save some clothes to donate to the Garage sale-proceeds also help those in need)
The Adulterous woman is free to change her life. Help people limited by their poverty by supporting Unbound. Pray, adopt, or make a donation to the Santa Ana ministry and help someone
change their life.
Bring the savings from your fasting to church and place it in on the steps of the altar. Funds will be combined and donated to CRS.
Prayer is essential to a relationship with God. Add more time for prayer; go to daily Mass, read scripture, sit before the Blessed Sacrament, walk the stations of the cross on Fridays, or pray the daily examen at the end of your day.
Almsgiving is encountering Christ in the poor by being generous with our time, possessions, and love. It isn’t just about giving money.
Fasting allows us to make room in our hearts for Jesus, creating space to encounter him. Fasting does not have to be staying away from food; it can be anything that distracts us from God.
This Lent, deepen your faith with the One-One-One Challenge. Join the challenge and add one new prayer habit, fast from one habit that distances you from Him, and give up one thing to give back. Let each small step draw you closer to God.
Ideas for Prayer 🙏
🍕 Pray before meals—even at restaurants
⛪ Attend daily Mass
🕛 Pray the Angelus at 12 PM → Angelus Guide
🌹 Family Rosary → How to Start
📖 Read Scripture, especially the Gospel of Luke → Daily Readings
🕊️ Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet
🌟 Spend time before the Blessed Sacrament
📝 Keep a Lenten journal to reflect on your spiritual journey
🤲 Pray for those in need and offer prayers for specific intentions
Ideas for Fasting 🍽️
🥩 Embrace “Meatless Mondays” or fast from meat on Fridays
🚗 Take the worst parking spot you can find
🍽️ Eat one less meal a day
⏰ Avoid hitting the snooze button—use the time for prayer
📱 Set a daily timer to limit time spent on social media
💬 Exchange swearing, gossip, and complaining for kind words
🍂 Intentionally avoid excess and live more simply
☕ Give up caffeine or limit yourself to one cup of coffee each day
Ideas for Almsgiving 💖
🙏 Practice spiritual poverty → Know More
✉️ Write an affirmation note to someone
🍲 Make a meal for someone in need or going through a tough time
🎁 Give away something you are attached to (books, clothes, shoes, sports equipment, etc.)
❤️ Show an act of kindness to a family member
💖 Practice grace and compassion with someone who is difficult to like
🤗 Share the gift of your presence
🩸 Give blood
Choose between Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor or
Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody. It’s our gift to you this Lent.
Dr. Edward Sri
Bishop Barron
Called to be the light of God’s love, this retreat invites women to embrace life with hope, peace, trust, patience, humor, and love as they step into the future with faith.
A retreat focused on refreshing and recharging spiritual growth, exploring themes of love, gratitude, and communication with God.
A virtual retreat offering time to deepen one’s encounter with God’s love during the sacred season of Lent.
Explore the Seven Last Words of Jesus in light of his entire life and mission. This Ignatian retreat invites prayer, reflection, and imaginative contemplation to deepen one’s faith and trust in God.
Experience 40 hours of sacred silence in solitude and prayer, surrounded by the beauty of nature. This retreat is an opportunity to listen deeply to God’s call in preparation for Easter.
As Holy Week begins, reflect on the steadfast presence of the women who stayed with Jesus during his Passion. Through Ignatian prayer and scripture, deepen your understanding of courage, love, and witness in times of suffering.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Email: contact@st-ann.org
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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