We are a La Salette parish

Named for Mary’s mother, St. Ann is staffed by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, an order that is dedicated to the ministry of reconciliation. Our community is invited to bring people together, provide support to those in need and share the love of Christ with everyone.
The Feast of Our Lady of La Salette

About La Salette

Named for Mary’s mother, St. Ann is staffed by the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette, an order that is dedicated to the ministry of reconciliation. Our community is invited to bring people together, provide support to those in need and share the love of Christ with everyone.

In 1846, in La Salette, France, the Blessed Mother appeared to two children. She told them to “make known to all my people” her message. Inspired by Mary’s call for reconciliation with God, the Missionaries of La Salette were founded in 1852 as “ministers of religion” to be “faithful dispensers of the mysteries of God.” Their charisms (a spiritual gift from God granted to the recipient for the benefit of others) focus on reconciliation and the Eucharist. The hammer and pincers on the La Salette cross represent the sins of humanity that put the nails into the hands of Jesus and the good actions we do that remove the nails from his hands.

La Salette missionaries serve all over the world, and are called to share the message of Mary’s grace. They are active in many areas, from caring for the spiritual needs of the order's shrine visitors and parish community members, to serving as chaplains, teachers, youth ministers and counselors.

The Province of Mary, Mother of the Americas, has approximately 120 members serving in the United States and Canada, as well as in Argentina and Bolivia. They work with bishops, clergy, parishioners, pilgrims and others throughout North America and the mission region in South America. There are more than 1000 missionaries serving in 27 countries around the world. Learn more about the order at lasalette.org

La Salette Laity program 

A faith formation opportunity for participants to delve into what it means to live a La Salette lifestyle. This small group meets periodically for prayer and service as it deepens its knowledge of the La Salette message. 

Learn more

Events & prayers

Sept. 10: World Day of La Salette Laity

Sept. 19: Feast of Our Lady of La Salette

Feast day readings La Salette Laity prayer La Salette Stations of the Cross La Salette rosary La Salette prayer for vocations
La Salette novena 

Encounter put together a virtual version of the La Salette novena. See the introductory video below and click here to view all nine videos.

Learn more about La Salette

  • Watch this video for a more detailed account of Mary's appearance at La Salette and to learn more about the missionaries in action today. 
  • Click here to visit the international La Salette website and read the weekly Sunday gospel reflection from Father René Butler, the La Salette Provincial. 
  • Pray for La Salette vocations with this short prayer.

Father John Welch shares the La Salette scriptural rosary, which focuses on reconciliation. Short scripture passages and text from Mary's message are interwoven with the La Salette rosary.

See more of what La Salette, France looks like today.

 Read Father René Butler's explanation about the charism of La Salette

When the Second Vatican Council issued its call for the renewal of religious life (Perfectae Caritatis), it set into motion a process in which religious institutes were asked to return to their founders and rediscover what it was that gave birth to their institute. The founder(s) of a religious institute embodied a particular insight into the Gospel, the person of Jesus, and/or the church, and so was drawn to a particular course of action (caring for the poor, educating children, attending to the dying, retiring to the desert to pray, and so on) on behalf of others.

This particular slant (insight and action) was called charism, following a term Saint Paul used in his letters [see, e.g., 1Cor 12:4]. Saint Paul refers to gifts (charisms) or graces given to individuals for the upbuilding of the church. Returning to their founders put religious in touch with the particular charism at their foundation.

We La Salettes, although acknowledging the role of the Bishop of Grenoble (Msgr. De Bruillard) in calling the Missionaries into existence, actually return to the event of the apparition of Our Lady on the mountain in order to understand what we are called to be and to do. Our Lady's message at La Salette certainly echoes that of Saint Paul in saying, "Be reconciled to God... Now is the acceptable time [2Cor 20b and 6:2]."

While the Blessed Mother never used the word "reconciliation" in her message to the children, it is inherent in the call to conversion she so eloquently spoke. It was shortly after the apparition that she began to be referred to in prayer as "reconciler of sinners." We La Salettes therefore claim reconciliation as our charism. It does not replace the Gospel or the Church for us, but it provides the lens through which we read the Scriptures, as well as the impetus for the ministry in which we engage.

We know Jesus as the one who gave his life so that we might be reconciled to the Father. We engage in many kinds of ministerial activity, but we pay special attention to the need of reconciliation in people's lives. We are not the only religious community to claim this charism, and it is not meant to set us apart. Rather, coupled with the story of the apparition, our charism provides both motivation and focus for our lives and ministry. 

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