April 11, 2025
Friday of the Fifth Week of Lent
Lectionary 255
At least believe in the work I do.
Some people were troubled to think that Jesus could also be God. Jesus had taught them a new kind of love that included forgiveness and unconditional acceptance, and some thought that kind of love could only be accomplished by God.
Believing that Jesus’ loving was the same as God's meant that we were being challenged to love as God himself loves. On the other hand, those outcasts who had been recipients of Jesus' new kind of love were more than willing to take up that challenge.
When Mary told Melanie and Maximin,
"My children, make this known to all my people," she challenged them (and us) to be as compassionate as Jesus. We should not expect God to love, forgive, and accept us unconditionally if we are unwilling to do the same.
Reflection Questions
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