PARISH PHONE: 770-552-6400
Monday-Thursday: 9:00am-5:00pm
Friday: 9:00am-2:00pm
If you need a priest due to a death in the family or a medical emergency requiring the Anointing of the Sick sacrament, please call 470-785-2445. During office hours, please call the Pastoral Care office, 770-552-6400 x6019.
Flowers may be offered as a remembrance or in celebration of an event. To request altar flowers, please visit the parish office. There is a $90 fee to cover the cost of each arrangement. Call 770-552-6400 x6001 for more information.
Please visit the annulments page.
The Anointing of the Sick sacrament may be administered to those who are gravely ill, undergoing a serious operation or are experiencing a significant health issue.
Arrangements for a priest to administer the sacrament can be made through the Pastoral Care office, 770-552-6400 x6019.
Outside office hours, call 470-785-2445.
Please visit the sacraments page.
We offer programs for adults, teens and children who are entering the faith. Click here for details.
The St. Ann columbarium is a sacred resting place on holy ground for cremated human remains with the same dignity of a cemetery. Visit the columbarium page for more information.
Please visit the Confirmation page.
Email or call 770-552-6400 x6011 with your updated contact information.
Text ccstann to 800-950-9952 or visit our online giving page. Donations may also be delivered to parish office or placed in the offertory baskets at the Masses.
Need to update your donation preferences? Email or call 770-552-6400 x6015.
Any openings will be posted on our job openings page.
Blessed Sacrament Chapel (door is in the garden between the church and the Carroll Center).
Visit the adoration page for more information.
Contact or call 770-552-6400 x6010.
Please call the St. Vincent de Paul Society helpline: 770-552-5400 x 6105.
Please visit the funeral arrangements page.
Please visit the First Communion page.
Please visit our sacraments page.
In-person visits to the homebound and elderly may be arranged through the Pastoral Care office. This includes visits to healthcare, nursing and assisted living facilities at the discretion of the facility. Please call Linda Walsh, 770-552-6400 x6019, for details, or email
To request a Mass intention for a scheduled Mass at St. Ann, visit our online portal. You may also visit the parish office. The customary donation for a Mass intention is $10.
To request a La Salette Mass, visit the parish office. A Mass will be celebrated by a La Salette priest as soon as possible. The date and time of the Mass are not scheduled.
You are most welcome to join our community! Click here to get started or stop by the parish office.
Visit the prayer requests page or call 770-552-6400 x6018.
Reconciliation is offered Saturdays from 10:00-11:00am.
Reconciliation rooms are on the hallway to the right of the altar. Click here for a campus map.
It is also offered Monday-Friday immediately after 9:00am Mass. Presiding priests offer the sacrament of Reconciliation in the narthex.
You may also contact a priest for an appointment.
Email or call 770-552-6400 x6010 for information on our marriage preparation program. You must be a registered parishioner for six months before initiating your wedding preparation.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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