Order of Christian Initiation

Becoming Catholic - Adults, Teens, Children

• Have you been worshipping with us, but aren’t officially Catholic? 

• Have you been away from the church, but now want to know more?  

• Are you a lifelong Catholic who never celebrated the initiation sacraments?  

• Have you joined us from another religious background and want to know more about the Catholic Church?  


If you fall into any of these categories or you just want to know more, you’re in the right spot. The Order of Christian Initiation for adults, teens and children is the process of welcoming people who want to be full members of the Catholic faith community. This includes those who have never been baptized, those baptized in other Christian denominations and baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. OCIA/T/C is not a class, but a journey of faith.  

One participant shared their OCIA experience: “I felt that God was calling me to come back to my faith and to do it in a place that was welcoming, serving my community, and challenging as well.” 



·       Has expressed an interest in becoming Catholic?

·       Has a child over the age of seven who has not been baptized?

·       Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist?


St. Ann’s offers an opportunity to come together in a small group to learn more about our faith.Sessions focus on the teachings and experience of Church and prepare individuals to celebrate the Sacraments of initiation and to come into full communion with the Catholic Church. There are separate sessions for adults, children or youth. You are welcome to participate in the process with your questions, your insights and your faith story in a warm accepting setting. For more information please contact Ann Marie Martin at amartin@st-ann.org

  • Adults (OCIA)

    Anyone interested in becoming Catholic or completing their sacraments of initiation is welcome, along with those that are questioning if this is a faith path for them. Click here to learn more about the stages in the OCIA journey.

    Contact Ann Marie Martin,  or fill out the adult registration form.

    If you are a baptized Catholic who has received Holy Communion and only need to be confirmed, please contact Stephanie Holden, sholden@st-ann.org, for information about our adult Confirmation program. 

  • Youth (OCIT)

    OCIT classes designed to educate youth in the Catholic faith and prepare them for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist. Whether your family is just entering the Church, returning to the faith, or just chose to delay your child’s sacramental preparation, all youth, baptized or not, are welcome. 

    Click here to register for OCIT. Contact 

    Stephanie Holden, for information.

  • Children (OCIC)

    The OCIC classes designed to educate youth in the Catholic faith and prepare them for the sacraments of Baptism, Reconciliation and Eucharist. Whether your family is just entering the Church, returning to the faith, or just chose to delay your child’s sacramental preparation, all youth, baptized or not, are welcome. 

    Please read through the options to see where to begin.


    Who: Children ages 8 years-fifth grade coming into the Catholic Church needing Baptism AND First Communion

    When: Sundays, 8:45am

    How: Click here to register for OCIC. 

    Contact Stephanie Holden.


    Who: Children ages 8 years-fifth grade who have received Baptism but still need First Communion 

    When: Students and parents for this group need to attend four mandatory workshops in addition to a regular Launch class. 

    How: Click here to register for Voyage. 

    Contact Jenny Kiehl, jkiehl@st-ann.org, 770-552-6400 x6023.

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