• Have you been worshipping with us, but aren’t officially Catholic?
• Have you been away from the church, but now want to know more?
• Are you a lifelong Catholic who never celebrated the initiation sacraments?
• Have you joined us from another religious background and want to know more about the Catholic Church?
If you fall into any of these categories or you just want to know more, you’re in the right spot. The Order of Christian Initiation for adults, teens and children is the process of welcoming people who want to be full members of the Catholic faith community. This includes those who have never been baptized, those baptized in other Christian denominations and baptized Catholics who have not received the sacraments of Eucharist and Confirmation. OCIA/T/C is not a class, but a journey of faith.
One participant shared their OCIA experience: “I felt that God was calling me to come back to my faith and to do it in a place that was welcoming, serving my community, and challenging as well.”