When you host a few thousand people each week, you want to make things nice, but you also need to make them safe. St. Ann staff members have many protocols in place to make sure we’re ready in case of emergency.
Severe weather
In the event a weather alarm sounds
or if instructed by staff:
Medical emergencies
During Mass:
Other times or locations around campus:
Call 911.
Follow instructions on emergency sheets posted throughout campus.
Fire alarms (including drills)
Safe Environment program
Our volunteers, clergy and staff have had background checks, undergo regular training and are mandatory reporters. Only credentialed staff can access classrooms during programming hours. More details are available at st-ann.org/safe-environment.
Thank you for following our parish protocol in these areas for the safety and wellbeing of all those who come to St. Ann.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Email: contact@st-ann.org
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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