Find your Greatness

March 24-26

“You were not made for comfort; you were made for greatness,” Pope Benedict XVI.

Our lives change when our habits change. Dr. Allen Hunt will share four game-changing habits that will help us pursue the greatness God has designed for us so we can become the best version of ourselves.

Mission Overview

Night 1: The 2 Life-Changing Habits

Night 2: The 2 World-Changing Habit

Night 3: Amazing Possibilities God Has in Mind for Your Life


Dinner: 5:00-6:45pm (La Salette Hall)

Mission: 7:00-8:00pm (Church)

Babysitting provided for attendees! 

  • Both nurseries available for all sessions.
  • Families can RSVP to or x6029 by March 21.
    RSVPs should include the name of parent, name(s) of child(ren), ages of children, contact number, and date/time of session attending. 
  • All ages accepted. Older children are welcome to bring a board game or homework. Please, no electronics, tablets or phones.

Our speaker, Dr. Hunt earned a PhD in New Testament and Ancient Christian Origins at Yale University, before he became a senior pastor of a mega-church in Atlanta, one of the largest Methodist congregations in the United States. After 20 years, God led him on a search for truth and a deeper relationship with Christ Jesus. After he stepped down as pastor, he converted to Catholicism and became a best-selling author and speaker. He has authored several books, including Confessions of a Mega Church Pastor. Allen and his wife, Anita, share over 35 years of marriage, two married daughters, and seven grandchildren.

Be a part of the mission

Make the mission part of your Lenten journey. We need volunteers in several areas to assist in making this event a success!

The Mission needs many hands to help greet and seat everyone who comes to the Mass, Dinner and the Mission Talks all three days. Find out how you can be a part of the team by clicking the sign-up sheet below!

Click here to be a part of the team!

Mission Prayer

Pray that the parish community receives the message of the mission into their hearts and lives.

Loving God, we thank you for the gift of our parish home and all who fill our church. We thank you for a community knit together with love, mercy, and grace.


As we await our Lenten parish mission, we ask that you prepare our hearts to hear the message you have for each of us, and to change the habits you call us to change, so that we may make known the message of your redeeming love to whom we encounter. Amen.

You are a disciple.

At St. Ann, we invite you to live a life of discipleship.

Sign up for this parish mission to expand your faith, formation and fellowship.

Use the gifts and talents you already have to share the Good News of the Gospels and live as disciples on a mission.

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