March 24, 2025
Monday of the Third Week of Lent
Lectionary 237
"No prophet is accepted in his native place."
Jesus is in his hometown. He is among his friends and family – his people! Yet they hate him enough to try to take him to the top of a hill and hurl him off. Those townsfolk didn't want to hear anything that might disturb their way of thinking and living. They seemed to have gone to the synagogue only to be comforted, to hear how good and unique they were to God. That, however, didn't seem to be what Jesus had in mind. He wanted to make them aware of their faults and invite them to shape up. They were far from believing this and didn't want to hear anything about it.
It must have pained Jesus very much that the people of Nazareth, where he had been raised, put no faith in him. Likewise, members of our families, parishes, and communities often go unheard when they offer observations or recommendations that challenge what we find customary and comfortable. We prefer to bring in outside facilitators, consultants, and counselors. We give far more credence to speakers from afar than the folks with familiar faces. We have yet to learn how powerfully God's truth can be present in our everyday lives.
Jesus sends his weeping mother to La Salette.
People have not entirely accepted her Son and his message. Will they give his mother a warmer welcome? Following Mary's invitation to "come near, don't be afraid," Maximin and Melanie are reassured that the Lady had come "to tell us great news." She comes as an ambassador of peace and reconciliation. Mary helps us recall the means given to us to return to her Son. Her mission was entrusted to her on Calvary. She now passes it on to us through the two children who saw her at La Salette. We, in turn, must "make it known to all (her) people," the people of God.
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