All 2024 contribution statements have been mailed.
Please be aware that St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) sends out separate year-end contribution statements for donations made directly to their organization. These contributions are not included in the parish contribution statements. If you have donated to SVdP, please be sure to refer to their statement for the total amount of your donation for tax purposes.
The fastest and safest way to support the St. Ann community! Electronically give your weekly, monthly or yearly offertory, second collections and payments.
Choose online to save the parish money on paper envelopes and postage.
Get more information or let us know that you want to use electronic giving by contacting the parish office.
Use your weekly envelope at Mass to support our second collections and weekly offerings. Guests and visitors can find envelopes in the narthex.
Text ccstann to 800-950-9952.
Send your gift through the USPS to
Catholic Church of St. Ann
4905 Roswell Rd.
Marietta, GA 30062
Create a lasting gift to the parish through major giving items such as an IRA, stock, property or trust. For more information contact the parish finance office.
How to use the WeShare page for giving to a ministry or group
Use the online giving link. Add a gift with the tabs available or with the 'Give Now' link.
Find the tiles marked for each area of giving: Offertory, Second Collections, Building Funds and Special Donations.
From the Special Donations tab, you can add a One-time or Recurring donation of any amount to one of the groups listed in the '+Add Donation' dropdown menu.
If you would like to make a notation on your donation, there is also a place to write a personal note or special instruction.
As always, if you have questions, please contact the finance office. We thank you for your continued support and, in allowing our parish to be the stewards of your generosity.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
WeConnect | By LPi