In the heart of Marietta thrives a community unparalleled in its warmth and unity. Unbound by physical walls or structures, the Faith and Light Ministry embodies the profound connections of faith, love, and acceptance. It stands as a beacon of hope for individuals touched by developmental disabilities and their families. Spanning across 86 countries and embracing 38 languages, Faith and Light traces its roots to Lourdes, France. Its foundational mission echoes the belief that every individual with any type of disability is inherently deserving of the full spectrum of human rights—chief among them, the right to be loved, recognition, and respect for their unique essence and choices. Guiding this remarkable community within St. Ann is Janet Grzeszkowiak, a woman whose heart brims with compassion and unwavering resolve. Alongside her is Joy Fuchs, a mother who was moved to begin a chapter of Faith and Light here St. Ann over 25 years ago. Joy says the main goal of this ministry is “developing Christian awareness of the importance of each person’s life to the church as well as to society, where they can use their own gifts and skills to make a difference in the world”.
In the embrace of the Churches of St. Ann and Transfiguration, souls of all ages, faiths and abilities converge. Each gathering in prayer and sharing their joys and pains. Among the luminaries of this community is Lauren Grzeszkowiak a core member who has found a home within the ministry; a place where she is not judged but rather welcomed in, where she can let go of the negative emotions she might be carrying and find a purpose in being able to participate in the activities coordinated by the group. Another person whose spirit shines brightly despite life's challenges is Alison Loyd, who as a former volunteer and a core member, found solace and purpose within the embrace of Faith and Light. “Faith and Light enables me to live my vocation and ministry in a beautiful way. There is an unparalleled joy and radiant beauty in this ministry!” said Alison Loyd in an interview.
As the community has grown, so have the opportunities for its members to participate in other activities like a special Vacation Bible School, the Good Friday Stations of the Cross and the Mass of Inclusion. The participation in these events give core members the opportunity to be active in the church in ways they otherwise would not be. “I see two higher level activities that we do as fruits of discipleship and that is the Stations of the Cross and the Mass of Inclusion” said Janet. It's truly heartening to understand the significance of these core members actively engaging in church events and activities. In its fruits, it serves as a profound lesson for those with and without disabilities who may underestimate their capabilities.
In looking to the future, Joy Fuchs hopes to increase the Faith and Light membership and to collaborate with other ministries on activities. “My real hope, and I know that I keep saying that, is that other ministries within the church look to faith and light when they’re having activities and incorporate and invite our people to come and help.”
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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