We asked Father Andrews to share some thoughts as he says goodbye to St. Ann this weekend and leaves for his new assignment at Good Shepherd Church in Orlando.
As I prepare to move on from this parish in God’s service, I have been reflecting on my short but sweet time here at St. Ann. I wanted to take a moment to tell everyone how grateful I am for the moments I’ve been able to share with you. God brought me to this place to be a servant to his people and I have enjoyed it so much.
St. Ann is a well-oiled machine with its full and diverse ministry and liturgy. I appreciate that you make room to grow in formation and community; it surprised me at first. With so many places to get involved, there seems to be a place for everyone. St. Ann is loving and welcoming place to be.
As part of my service as a La Salette priest, I get to share part of my life with parishes all over. I have enjoyed living in community with my fellow priests and am grateful to Father Ray for welcoming me. It has been wonderful sharing this life with Father Joe, Father Lamartine, Father Robert and Father Gabe.
It is a special joy to share in see the flawless celebration of the Mass at St. Ann. I am always moved by the amazing music, dedicated liturgy team, staff and volunteers. I am grateful for all the ways I got to be a part of the community while I was here. I especially enjoyed my time with the Pastoral Care team, Knights of Columbus, Faith Sharers, WHO and OWN. I will miss working with you and sharing the love of Christ with our neighbors.
Thank you so much to the staff and volunteers of St. Ann who work so hard to provide a loving home for the people of our community. I hope you all will remember me as a joyful presence in your life because it has been so joyful to be present in your life. St. Ann will always have a special place in my heart. Please continue to pray for me so that I can be effective in my future ministry. I pray that I will be a good, loving shepherd in my next assignment.
Thanks be to God for his mercy and grace. I pray that you will continue to grow in fellowship and love.
In Christ, and with the love of Our Lady of La Salette,
Father Andrews Kollannoor
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Email: contact@st-ann.org
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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