These names are heard a lot around this time of year, and while it’s easy to think the terms are interchangeable, they are two separate feast days. According to the Catholic liturgical calendar, All Saints’ Day celebrates the lives of all martyrs and saints. The Nov. 1 feast date was set in the ninth century, along with the practice of observing a vigil the day before. The word Halloween comes from the English name for this vigil, All Hallows’ Eve, and the later Scottish term, Hallow-E’en.
All Souls’ Day is referred to in the liturgical calendar as the Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed. A special remembrance of all those who have died in the past year is celebrated at a Mass. For thousands of years, many different dates were chosen to remember those who have departed this world. In fact, praying for the deceased is mentioned in the Bible as far back as in the book of Maccabees. Since the 14th century, the Catholic Church has set aside Nov. 2 as the day to pray for all those who have passed away.
Here at St. Ann, we honor our beloved deceased in several special ways. On our table of remembrance in the narthex will be a bowl containing the names of our loved ones who have passed in the last year. Slips of paper will be available for anyone to add other names. Beautiful posters with the names of our most recently departed will also be part of the display.
At Mass, the names of our departed loved ones are scrolled during the general intercessions and the special bowl of names will become part of the presentation of gifts.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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