When Karen Miller got the call from the Atlanta Community Food Bank, it was not a matter of yes or no, but how.
Could Maryʼs Pantry, a function of St. Vincent de Paul, take 10 tons of produce from the Georgia farmers market? Then, the next week: How about two more?
“Karen got a call from the food bank saying someone had just cancelled a large order for produce and they were going to give it away, free. Yikes!” said Betsy Van Etten, who oversees the SVdP society at St. Ann. “Being the eternal optimist, she jumped on it.”
With the help of about a dozen, socially distanced and masked volunteers, Miller got the job done, and the perishable food, including 700 pounds of watermelon, made its way to grateful families and homebound parishioners. Their efforts were documented this week by the Georgia Bulletin, the weekly newspaper of the archdiocese.
Maryʼs Pantry comprises a trailer full of pantry staples on one side of La Salette Hall and a garden on the other. Although harvesttime is still around the corner, many clients were sent home with their own tomato and acorn squash seedlings to grow, courtesy of parishioner Kalen Redmon.
“You could tell the families who came to pick up their food were so thankful,” said parishioner Dave Middendorf, a first-time volunteer. “It made me feel that I was one of many people acting as the hands and feet of Jesus helping these individuals.”
Pictured: A cancelled order of produce was an unexpected boon for people who use the parish food pantry. Photo credit: Michael Alexander, Georgia Bulletin