Register for Youth Basketball - Now Open

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Program information

Registration information

  • Open to all children in kindergarten through seventh grade
  • Skills evaluations are done in October. Schedule, details and signups are in the confirmation email when you register for the program.
  • The season runs November through mid-February.

Register early

  • If a division becomes full, you will have the opportunity to register on a wait list. Every year players are added to the program from the wait list, especially if more coaches volunteer.

Volunteers Needed

The size of the program is determined by the number of coaches that volunteer. Basketball experience helps, but is not required, especially in the younger divisions. We can help you develop practice plans and game strategies.

All volunteers interacting with children submit background applications and attend a meeting on child safety.

Parent Commitment and Players Participation

  • Parents, you are making a commitment to assure your child’s attendance at practices and games. Attendance is equally important whether your child is the most skilled or a novice.
  • Teams practice once a week for one hour. Usually, practice is on the same day and at the same time every week.
  • Teams play one game a week on the weekend.
  • Each player who regularly attends practice and tries to be a good teammate will

Scheduling Conflicts

We will make every attempt to avoid conflicts between practice schedules and RELIGIOUS EDUCATION classes. Please provide the necessary information when registering.

Player Fee

  • The registration fee is $150.
  • The fee includes a uniform, the coach’s gift, player recognition, and the End of the Season Celebration.

Coaches' Gifts

Part of each registration fee will be donated to Curing Kids Cancer in honor of the coaches in our program. This donation, made at the request of our coaches, is in lieu of a gift to them at the end of the season. Thank you for supporting the coaches in this request.

Withdrawals and Refunds

  • Please inform us as soon as possible if your plans change and your child will not play. That will help give another child the chance to register and play.
  • There will be a $10 administration fee deducted from all refunds.


  • Your child must attend a skills evaluation. Several dates to do this are offered in the registration process. Have your player dress in a short sleeve shirt, shorts, and sneakers for the skills session.
  • Assure your child this is not a try out. It is simply a workout that helps us form balanced teams. Your child should come to the gym at the time scheduled and stay for the entire time slot.
  • We will form balanced teams, to the best of our ability, based on the players’ skills and the players availability to practice.

Team Assignments and Practice Schedules

  • Coaches will call players assigned to their team. Please be patient as all players will not be called on the same day. If you have not heard about your team assignment, contact Frank Brennan.
  • Your coach will tell you the day and time of your practices.


  • Call (770) 552-6400 x6033. The greeting will confirm gym closure.
  • We also use email and Calling to notify you when cancellations occur.


Contact Frank Brennan at or at 770-552-6400 x6033.

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