A fresh take on our parish

St. Ann's has started an effort to evaluate our parish life and practices, with the goal of creating a pastoral plan that adds direction and concreteness to our ministries and future development. All are invited to be involved in this fresh look at our community. 

We value your active membership in the parish and know that we can learn a lot from your sharing in this process. The program we are using is called “Best Practices for Parishes,” from Paulist Press, which includes surveys in seven areas of parish life.

The Pastoral Council will tabulate and discuss the survey results and develop stewardship and discipleship goals for our pastoral plan, along with input from our clergy and staff.

Every two months or so, a new dimension of parish life will be examined in the same way. Preliminary results will be shared with the parish as we move through the process. The ultimate pastoral plan will be completed in early 2025, and a five-year plan will be presented to the parish. Your participation is critical and appreciated during these months ahead.


Survey results will be shared when they are available.

Community is how a parish builds a shared vision and grows together in faith through events and participation in church life. We look at the more social and enjoyable parts that create our unity. 

We are a parish that has strong ministries and activities, but we want to include many more people in these activities and possibly develop more. Community is a crucial aspect of who we are.

Coming soon

Coming Soon

Coming soon

Topics include

Ministry and Pastoral Care


Justice and Charity

and more! 

Thank you for you participation.

This past October, the first survey on Liturgy: Prayer and Worship was made available to the parish. Thank you to everyone who participated. 

Of the 178 responses, 83% were satisfied or highly satisfied with the parish liturgy practices. 

Based on your feedback, the Pastoral Council has identified some priorities and goals for our parish:

  • Be a welcoming, inclusive home of worship, with increased opportunities to develop a deeper understanding and appreciation for liturgy 
  • Ensure liturgical experiences are warm, inviting, and pleasant experiences that make a positive impression on participants
  • Expand the occasions to strengthen our spiritual and social bonds while fostering a more vibrant and inclusive parish community
  • Use sacramental moments as an integral part of lifelong formation for all
  • Enhance the opportunities, methods and approaches to worship and widely share God’s word through deeds, witness, and continued education 
  • Communicate parish events, opportunities for participation in liturgy, and other related parish activities to increase awareness, understanding and involvement

This survey summary is the first step in creating this area of the pastoral plan. It will go through several iterations as clergy and staff review and identify action steps. The review will be brought to the Pastoral Council and refined for the plan.

In January, the second survey on Stewardship and Discipleship was made available to the parish. 

Thanks to all 228 respondents who helped and guided us by completing that survey.

Based on your feedback, the Pastoral Council has identified some priorities and goals for our parish:

• Introduce the concept and definition of discipleship, emphasizing it as an integral part of our Catholic faith, and creating a culture where effective personal invitation is everyone’s responsibility

• Provide transparency in fiscal management to strengthen sacrificial giving in the parish

• Develop a discipleship program with three components: prayer and presence, participation, and generosity

This survey summary is the first step in creating this area of the pastoral plan. It will go through several iterations as clergy and staff review and identify action steps. The review will be brought to the Pastoral Council and refined for the plan.

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