Our parish began an annual tradition this year—a set of commitments to forge a covenant with the Lord and the Catholic Community of St. Ann, fostering personal discipleship. In phase one, the focus has been on participation, being a prophet by our actions. In the following article we aim to highlight the significance of this journey and the tangible outcomes of your dedication and actions as fruits of discipleship.
Prostate Support Group: Creating a Space for Faithful Brotherhood
Imagine you are a man, sitting alone in a doctor’s office, nervously awaiting test results. The conversation begins with “It’s not good news” and ends with a devastating diagnosis. Prostate Cancer. From that conversation, you drive home alone. You process through plans and private emotions before summoning up the strength to tell your wife or, to call your son. You take the next steps for treatments that you don’t fully understand. All the while concerned for the future of your family. Imagine having a conversation of your own, this time with God. “Why this? Why me?” You’ve never felt more angry, frightened, isolated and alone.
Now, imagine walking through the open doors of St. Ann and into a fellowship of other men who know this journey. They walk together down uncertain paths and support one another spiritually and emotionally through relationship. Imagine feeling connected, supported and confident. For 87% of men, a Prostate Cancer diagnosis is a reality. For that reason, two friends became compassionate ambassadors of Christ’s loving friendship through discipleship.
Discipleship can mean sharing your skills around the church. Equally as important, it can also mean making room for relationships. St. Ann has a strong tradition of offering a place for everyone to belong. The fruit of groups like these are spiritual growth, friendships, and places to feel supported and safe.
No group embodies this tradition more or shares the special quality of community quite like the St. Ann Prostate Cancer Support Group. Born out of a place of uncommon need, Joe Orlando and Jim Perry, the group’s leaders, wanted to create a space for men facing an uncertain future. A place where no one walks this journey alone.
Too often men are expected to face trials with quiet dignity, isolating them from the community they need. The Prostate Cancer Support Group is a place where men who have walked this path can guide the newly diagnosed, caregivers or, who may not have a system of support in their lives for this situation. It offers a place where questions can be asked, and their concerns can be voiced in a compassionate setting. This group holds monthly meetings where men share experiences, information and updates that help each build the strong bonds of friendship, crucial when facing uncertain outcomes.
Joe tells us this group assists in all kinds of healing. They both emphasize the need to gather and share.
“I didn’t know this kind of group existed – the sharing and fellowship motivates members, encourages each other to be brothers to new members. This creates a brotherhood of spirit.” Jim offers.
Having a place where Christian relationships can grow is one way to share is a fruit of discipleship. We are called to be kings, caregivers and stewards of the people we love. Joe and Jim acknowledge that this kind of love is now part of their everyday discipleship. “Jesus has a seat at the table. He brought us together! Having Jesus in our lives allows us to invite other men into our community.” says Jim. Noting that Jesus is in their midst at each gathering as they pray for test results, treatment plans and health. Both share that creating this group has helped them heal more by witnessing God working in the community. They leave us with this hopeful note, “God allowed this [cancer] to be a part of our lives in order to open up the circle to others in a time of need. But it isn’t about how many people we can help; it is about the one. It’s about the awareness. It’s about the fellowship that Jesus has given us and the opportunity to be here for each other.”
If you, or someone you love, is interested in the Prostate Cancer Support group here at St. Ann, please visit their webpage [st-ann.org/prostate-cancer-support ] to see upcoming meeting times.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Email: contact@st-ann.org
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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