One of the central pillars of our Catholic faith is welcoming people into our shared community. No one is happier to share in this joyful mission than Daisy Whiting. Along with her husband, Greg, her children, and grandkids, she holds a deep faith that is bolstered by attending Mass and sharing the blessings of the Most Holy Eucharist.
Whiting shares the quiet reverence of the rosary, the Second Joyful Mystery giving her particular hope. But, since joining the parish staff in November, it has been a whirlwind of work, holiday events and chances to meet parishioners. Becoming the parish hospitality coordinator officially means Whiting will manage volunteers for events, missions, and opportunities for community. But, as she tells it, her job is to be the hands and feet of Jesus on earth.
How do you like it here?
I love it here! The staff is like an extended family and I in turn would like all our parishioners to feel the same family ties by being part of St. Ann. It’s been great learning how to serve the parish and developing my role as we grow as a parish toward the future.
What drew you to ministry?
My personal philosophy is to always say “yes” when asked to do something with or for the church.
What should parishioners know about volunteering for our community?
You will get more out of giving your time than you can imagine. Friendships start and are strengthened as you’re doing it. A life’s purpose could reveal itself and come to life by volunteering.
How can parishioners help and get involved?
This year everyone’s opportunities to get involved are expanding in big ways. If you are interested in volunteering, or have questions, whether a parishioner or not, email me, or call/text me at
St. Ann’s hospitality and YOU
How does participating in hospitality and volunteering help you grow in your faith?
C.S. Lewis wrote, “If you want to get warm you must stand near the fire; if you want to get wet you must get into the water. If you want joy, power, peace, eternal life, you must get close to, or even into, the thing that has them.”
Getting into the water of service and stewardship begins by sharing your time and skills with your community. Not only is this beneficial to those around you, it supports a central commitment of being a follower of Christ, which is to share your gifts for the greater good.
We invite you to join in our newest parish initiative, which is one of welcome. Our hope is to provide a place for men and women to serve in camaraderie, parents to serve alongside their children, teens to give back to the members of our parish, and seniors to continue participating in their community of faith.
Teams of volunteers are needed to host events, greet Mass-goers, and welcome new parishioners. From hospitality weekends to community dinners to holiday events, there are spots for all, from decorating to cooking to making conversation.
Consider the call to serve. Bring a friend and meet some new ones!
Contact Daisy Whiting, for opportunities.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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