St. Ann Celebrates

the Feast of Our Lady of La Salette

We are a La Salette Parish.

These words stand at the beginning of our parish mission statement. But what do they mean? Here at St. Ann, we want every parishioner to know what it means to be part of the La Salette family, to understand how La Salette spirituality guides our parish life, our prayer, our formation and our service to Christ.

This month, as we look forward to celebrating the Feast of Our Lady of La Salette, we also introduce events and programming designed to help our parish family see through a La Salette lens. This effort to strengthen our understanding of the La Salettes will continue throughout the year with the help of staff and ministry leaders.

Join us as we pray together and learn together about our shared commitment to Our Lady’s ministry of reconciliation.

The Feast of Our Lady of La Salette  •  Tuesday, Sept. 19

Expanded Mass

Tuesday, Sept. 19

 Join us at Mass for music and hospitality.

Feast day readings

Celebration weekend

Masses Sept. 14/15

  • Learn more about Mary's message and its meaning in our lives and world today.
  • Listen to feast day readings at each Mass.
  • Chat with La Salette laity members and hear more about how our La Salette family is connected around the world. This group of parishioners meets periodically for prayer and service.
  • Visit with an Our Lady of La Salette re-enactor.
  • Enjoy some refreshments in La Salette Hall after the Masses.

La Salette Novena

Join together as a parish to pray for the intercession of Our

Lady of La Salette. 

Pray on your own.

The novena at home with the prayer provided below.

A novena is a prayer tradition that ties back to the apostles and Mary praying between Jesus's Ascension to heaven and Pentecost.

La Salette Novena

Pray for vocations

La Salette Vocations Cross
home program

Click the link below to sign up and assist our community with prayers for vocations to the priesthood, religious life, permanent diaconate, and especially to the Missionaries of Our Lady of La Salette who staff our parish. 

Sign up to pray with the cross at home

La Salette Laity

In this faith formation program, participants delve into what it means to live a La Salette lifestyle. This small group meets periodically for prayer and service as it deepens its knowledge of the La Salette message. Ultimately, participants are recognized as members of the La Salette Laity, weaving La Salette spirituality into their daily existence. Formation and service are ongoing for members, who are active worldwide. 

Contact Joanne Simpson for more information.

Learn more about La Salette Laity
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