At the heart of the apparition of Our Lady of La Salette is a reminder of God’s infinite love for us. At first glance, it may seem frightening and outdated. She cries throughout the entire apparition and speaks of holding back Christ’s arm, lest he abandon us. She admonishes us to pray, go to Mass more often, and stop using the name of the Lord as a swear word. She also calls us to observe the Sabbath.
In our increasingly secular society, foul language is commonplace, and setting aside one day for rest seems impossible. With busy lives, it’s challenging to get everything done in seven days, let alone set aside one day for rest. Mary reminds us of a better way, with each day placed in God’s care and a life firmly rooted in his reconciling love.
God calls us to constant conversion, a daily decision on our part. It’s easy for apathy and spiritual laziness to creep into our daily routine, but God gives us the freedom to choose to honor him or to focus on other things. Mary’s message at La Salette keeps us fixed on God and helps prevent spiritual apathy.
When we are converted, we experience the fruits of the Spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control), even when difficult things happen, and we naturally want to share his reconciling love with others.
This week, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady’s apparition. We too are charged with making Mary’s message known. Use this opportunity to grow closer to God and to share Mary’s message of reconciling love with others.
Our Lady of La Salette, reconciler of sinners, pray without ceasing for us who have recourse to you. Amen.
— Stephanie Holden directs the Encounter adult faith ministry.
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9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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