Sponsor information

According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the role of the Confirmation sponsor is to, “Continue to help the candidate along the road of Christian life, to safeguard and develop the grace given at Baptism and now sealed with the Holy Spirit.” (CCC. 1320)

In practical terms, this can have two aspects, the sponsor must set an example for the candidate, by the life they live, and to pray for the candidate, asking God to look after them and help them to protect and treasure the gifts they received at Confirmation.

There are several important qualifications that you must follow when selecting a sponsor. They are as follows:

  • They must be 16 or older
  • They must be confirmed in the Catholic faith
  • They must be an actively practicing Catholic (registered at a parish, attend weekly mass and involved in their parish)
  • They cannot be a parent


Who would make a great sponsor? An older sibling, grandparent, aunt/uncle, cousin, friend, neighbor, teacher, coach, priest, deacon, youth minister, Core member, LTLT (Life Teen Leadership Teen), or anyone that models the Catholic faith well. 

A sponsor’s role is to simply walk with you on your journey of faith. They should encourage you, pray for you and pray with you.

A sponsor does NOT have to live in town or necessarily attend the ceremony. If the sponsor cannot make the ceremony, any Catholic adult can stand in their place for the ceremony.

Have you been asked to be a sponsor and need a parish verification form? Contact Parish Secretary, Teena Kay, tkay@st-ann.org.

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