Saint information

Choosing a saint name is an important part of preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. In choosing a saint name, we are reflecting on our own spirituality, our strengths and weaknesses, and finding a friend in the process. These saints, like our sponsors, will play an integral role in our spiritual journey, walking beside us as we grow closer to God and praying for us along the way.

If you have a favorite saint, this may be an easy process for you. If you do not have a "go to" saint, you might want to start exploring some options. There are thousands of saints out there, so it may be intimidating to know where to begin. To make the process much easier, start by making a list using the following information for you:

  • Baptismal name
  • Birthdate
  • Hobby/Interests
  • Parent or grandparent name

Once you have created your list, look up a saint that correlates to each item on your list. Here is a great resource to find information on saints:


If you would like to look at additional options, here are some fun ways to explore some saints:



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