The Opening the Doors of Tomorrow project is complete. The effort entailed renovations to existing facilities (adding seven Launch classrooms, a preschool art room, a teen center and more) as well as construction of the Parish Life Center, which includes La Salette Hall, administrative offices and meeting space.
We are grateful to the dedicated volunteers who are working to ensure our parish continues to thrive. We are blessed to have many generous parishioners who already have donated. Our goal is to have every parishioner participate, every parishioner take ownership of the future of St. Ann and help us open the doors of tomorrow.
Despite exhaustive planning, unexpected issues arose as with any building project. They include:
The planning process involved an initial design with preliminary budget, detailed design, revised budget and value engineering to reduce costs to match our pledge estimates. After adding architectural fees, Catholic Construction fees, engineering fees, owner-furnished systems and furniture, our overall budget reached $7.2 million.
As with any capital campaign, those who pledge sometimes move from the area, stop paying or lose their jobs, resulting in unfulfilled pledges. Of the $7.2 million pledged, St. Ann is on track to collect $7 million. The shortfall was anticipated and actually is less than a typical capital campaign, which often has unfulfilled pledges of 5 to 10 percent.
Our goal is to have every St. Ann's family participate in this project. Click an option below to share your support.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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