Life Teen Core Team


Director of youth ministry

Born and raised in the beautiful state of Michigan, I am a Chippewa alumna, but also follow all things Big 10. Go Green! My husband, Scott, and I moved to Georgia in 1999 saying we’d give Atlanta 2 years and have been here ever since. We have been married 28 years and have 4 boys. I love traveling, hiking, writing, and singing, and am an avid Disney fan having worked there for 3 years. I started volunteering in youth ministry in 2013; at St. Ann’s since 2020. I feel blessed to be a part of such a vibrant ministry here, where the teens constantly amaze me and keep me laughing. Few things, (besides pumpkin spice anything), bring me as much joy as walking with teens towards Christ.  

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High School youth minister

I was born and raised in Atlanta and grew up attending the Cathedral of Christ the King. I was very active in the Life Teen program and loved attending all of the conferences, summer camps and especially any and all dance parties. I served as a summer missionary at Life Teen's Camp Covecrest and felt the call to say yes to Jesus and the mission of Life Teen. I served as a full-time missionary 2021-2022 along with 11 other missionaries. Throughout that year I learned how important my personal relationship is with Jesus and felt a strong desire to bring him to teens. I love Chick-Fil-A, Diet Coke and riding around in my Jeep! I'm so excited to continue to say yes to Jesus by creating an environment to encounter Christ with the St. Ann community!

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Esbeidy Aceves:

 Hi there guys! My name is Esbeidy Aceves and this is my first year as a core member! I was born and raised here in GA but after high school, I moved to OH. I attend Franciscan University and I am currently an online Theology major! I love learning about the Catholic faith, volunteering, shopping, hanging out with friends, or sitting by a lake or beach! I am so excited to meet all of you and to get to know you better throughout the year, FIRE ME UP FOR AN AMAZING YEAR!!!

Curi Ahrens: 

Hi! I am a native Georgian and met my husband, Ken, when we were in college at Georgia Tech. We have been married for 21 years and live in Marietta with our five children and our yellow lab, Mango. This is my first year as a CORE member with Life Teen but I have volunteered previously in Launch and Edge and other activities with our children. I am excited to share my love of Christ with the teens and pour into them this year! In my free time, I love reading, yoga, walks with my pup, traveling with my family, and eating tacos. :) 1 John 4:7-8 


Hi! My name is Miranda Contreras and this is my second year on Core! I’m originally from the great state of Texas but for the past two years I have served as a Life Teen Full Time Missionary up in Dahlonega, Georgia! I love playing music, learning about the Catholic faith, and being outside with my friends! I’m so excited to see what the Lord has in store for each of us this upcoming year! Gig ‘em and God Bless!”

Sierra Campbell:

Hi, my name is Sierra! I moved to Atlanta last year and currently work as a theology teacher at Saint Pius X. I spent four years as a youth minister and during that time I fell in love with the mission of Life Teen and grew in my love of serving the youth of the Church! The teens and core at Saint Ann’s have brought great joy to my life and I am excited to continue my time on core.

CJ Donnelly

Originally from New York, my family and I moved to Cobb County in 1986 and St. Ann’s became our new parish. Life Teen started my Junior year of high school in 1992 and better prepared me for life after graduation and entering the military.  After leaving the Army, I graduated from Kennesaw State University and currently work as a Sales Executive in Atlanta. I live in Woodstock with my wife and four children and I’m grateful to be part of Life Teen once more to help lead teens closer to Christ. 


Now in my ninth year of Core for St. Ann Life Teen, I thoroughly enjoy being able to work with the other Core and the Youth Ministers to help lead these wonderful teens to Christ. My faith and relationships grow through the Life Nights, Retreats, and Mission Trips. My wife, Kathleen, and I believe very strongly in this ministry and all three of our kids have served as missionaries for Life Teen. It's a wonderfully worthy ministry and a very rewarding way to spread God's love.


I was raised on the North Fork of Long Island, New York, and began moving south when I attended James Madison University in Virginia.  My husband Mike and I have lived in metro Atlanta for the past 20 years.  We became members at St. Ann's about ten years ago, and our two children are actively involved in the St. Ann's Youth Ministry.  I am a middle school teacher, currently earning a graduate degree in special education. In my free time, I love watching my kids play soccer, reading (which mostly means listening to audiobooks), traveling, and spending time at home with my family, including our Golden Retriever, Peaches.  I am thrilled to be a part of the outstanding Life Teen Core Team. 


My name is Megan Kriscovich! I grew up at St. Ann’s and this is my first year on core! After graduating college, I spent a year as a missionary with Life Teen at Camp Hidden Lake and am now a high school math teacher! I love the being the Lord’s beloved one and iced caramel lattes.


I retired from IBM in 2018. I've been married for 45 years and have 2 children. I've been involved with LifeTeen in one way or another for over 20 years. I'm involved in several other ministries at St. Ann. I'm a Sacristan and EM. I enjoy playing golf with a group of senior men  from St. Ann's every Tuesday.

Sheila Lopez:

I was born in Nebraska but we moved to Georgia when I was 6. I grew up in Mableton Georgia, graduating from South Cobb High School and University of Georgia. I am a Flight Attendant with Delta Air Lines, can’t believe I have been there 38 years!!

My husband Rick and I raised three children and we live in East Cobb. I believe in Life Teen and I am excited to contribute to this great program. Rick and I love to enjoy some leisure travel, especially cruising!

Tony Leonardo: 

Peruvian born and raised, surrounded by priests, nuns and missionaries, I have the enjoyed past 10 years with LifeTeen, going on retreats, missions and other places with the teens. I am a married father with 2 you women girls who attended LifeTeen. One is now a LifeTeen Edge leader in Illinois and one is in Med school.  My son finished the LifeTeen program last year and is now at Auburn.  My job as a Customer Success Director system frequently brings me out of town, but in my spare time, you can find me helping my wife with her guest book business,

traveling with her or spending time at home with our 3 dogs and 2 cats.


I was born in Lansing, Michigan and attended Michigan State University (GO GREEN!) where I received a degree in Psychology.  After graduation, I decided it was too cold in Michigan and moved to Athens, GA where I earned a master’s degree from the University of Georgia (GO DAWGS!).  While at UGA, I met my beautiful wife, Elisa.  Today, we live in Woodstock, GA, we have 3 wonderful kids, and 2 big dogs.  We have been parishioners at St. Ann’s for over 20 years.  I am an enterprise sales leader with AT&T and have been a Core member for over 5 years.   In that time, I have been blessed to have seen, first-hand, the transformative impact that Life Teen has had on each of my own children.  In my free time, I enjoy playing bad golf with good friends, exercise, and travel.


I was born and raised in Chicago, Illinois and Carl and I met at the Catholic Student Center at University of Chicago. We moved south in 2002 to join the family business, and our sons Elijah and Jonah were born and raised here in 

Atlanta, Georgia. Though we live in Dunwoody, we have been proud parishioners of St. Ann's since 2005, drawn here first because of the music, and then for the incredibly vibrant, life-giving community. I have faithfully served youth and families throughout my life in some capacity-- as a high school summer camp counselor, to a residence hall counselor for both high school students in Michigan and college students in Chicago, as an active member of my sons' schools PTAs, as a social worker in Chicago Public Schools, and currently as a School Counselor in Atlanta. Walking beside youth, particularly on their spiritual journey, brings me joy and fulfillment-- a true blessing from God. Other things I count as blessings: great conversation with friends (new and old) over a delicious meal (especially Thai food), any book that moves me to tears, walking my dog Lily in the park, spending time with family, especially my sons (who both attend Georgia Tech- not too far!), and the opportunity of new experiences. This is my first year as a CORE member-- an exciting new experience where I'm certain my spiritual journey, and those of the teens I serve, will surely flourish


 I love the energy and faith of our teens! It’s an honor and joy to be with you as you pray, explore faith, worship, ask deep questions, and grow through life’s challenges. Thanks for the privilege of walking side by side with you! At St. Ann, I also serve on the liturgy team as a Sacristan/Mass Coordinator. Lyn (my wife, also on Core) and I have two boys at Georgia Tech. Professionally, I help business owners who want to retire sell their businesses, and I teach as an adjunct professor in the MBA programs at UGA. And yup, I love a good donut!


I graduated from Georgia Southern University in 2017 with a degree in computer science. I have been working as a software developer for General Motors ever since. Before Covid, I was involved in another Core team for three years and absolutely loved it. I’m very excited to help minister in this parish and look forward to strengthening the teens, and my own, relationship with God.

Scott Orban

I was born/raised in Michigan, but moved to Georgia in 1999 with Jill, Caleb, and a baby on the way.  After saying we would give Georgia 2 years, we’ve (+3 boys) been down here ever since…and love it!  I love God, my family, football (Go MSU! Go Cowboys!), traveling, and all things DIY.  

As a previous baseball/football coach for a decade and a half, I’ve always enjoyed seeing the team grow and change from the first practice to the last game.  I’m excited and grateful to join Life Teen this year, to hopefully see similar changes, not only in the teens, but in myself as well.

Nick Papa:

Born a cradle Catholic in Upstate NY, I moved to Atlanta in the late 1990’s after graduating from college.  Christ was always present in my life, but it wasn’t until my mid-thirties when I started investing into this precious relationship.   I became an active parishioner of Holy Spirit Catholic Church and when we moved into East Cobb, my wife and I, along with our kids, transitioned into St. Ann’s several years ago.   Life Teen was and still is very impactful to my kids and I am grateful to experience a portion of what they are experiencing as a Life Teen Core member.  God is great and this program is a tangible example of how He works in our daily lives. 


Originally from New York (Go Yankees), I live in Inman Park and have been a parishioner at St. Ann’s for the last 30years. I’ve been married to Kip for over 30 years and have two grown children who both attended The University of Georgia (GO DAWGS).  Shannon is a graduate of Emory Law School and works here in Atlanta.  Brian recently received his Master’s in Aerospace Engineering from the University of IL and moved to Colorado Springs, CO to begin his career.  I have been a Life Teen Core member for 13 years and love relational ministry and leading teens closer to Christ.  I work for the best global investment management firm -  Capital Group | American Funds, and love my “2nd career” job.  In my spare time, I enjoy all sports and traveling, especially visiting family.

Mallory Proctor: 

Hi there !!!  My name is Mallory! I am from Gulf Breeze, Florida! I graduated from Samford Univeristy located in Birmingham, Alabama and moved to Atlanta shortly after to work as a pediatric oncology nurse. I love the beach, sports, ice cream, and fun!  Lifeteen has had a huge impact on my life.  I was a summer missionary for two years at Covecrest Lifeteen Summer Camp & it was just the best !! I am so excited to be able to walk alongside teens while they journey with Christ!   


This is my thirs year on Core team and I am so excited to continue to walk alongside the teens at St. Ann’s! I was born and raised in Atlanta, recently graduated from Auburn University, and now work as a Pediatric ER nurse at CHOA. I love to be in the sunshine and play sports, and I love the mission of Life Teen. War Eagle!! 


I am originally from New York and have been a member of Life Teen Core for six years. My wife Christine and I have two daughters: Gillian (Junior: Syracuse University)  Mikayla (Freshman: NYU). We've  been members of St. Ann since 2006. I have enjoyed watching our two daughters grow in their faith through the faith formation fellowships at St. Ann. I am an ophthalmologist with Georgia Retina, but in my free time I love traveling, cooking, baking and cake decorating, skiing, and tennis; but most of all I love just spending time with family and friends. Prior to joining Core, I taught in the Edge and Launch programs. I love working with the teens and watching them grow closer to Christ, as well as with the other Core members who continuously inspire me. I am glad to continue my faith journey with such a loving parish community. 


As a born and raised Floridian, I like all things Disney and the Miami Dolphins.  I love spending time with my family and enjoying nature.  In my free time, I am reading, dancing, watching movies, or writing. We moved to Georgia in 2014 and East Cobb and St. Ann naturally became our community.  I am so thankful for my own youth group in Florida that helped me encounter Jesus when I was in 11th grade; and through Lifeteen my 3 kids have had the same opportunity to encounter Him in their own way.  Being on core has allowed me to meet the most amazing teens and being in their proximity as they learn about Christ's love fills me with more Zeal and Fire for my own faith. I get to experience first-hand the way Jesus continues to pursue our hearts.  It is truly a Joy to be serving on Core again.  


I started in St. Ann Youth Ministry almost 10 years ago now when my family and I moved here from Orlando, FL. I’m grateful to be returning to St. Ann’s Life teen Core team for going on my 8th year now. I’m married to my high school sweetheart, Jenny Vasquez, and have been graced to raise our 3 kiddos with the convicting awareness that they witness our faith journey first hand. When I’m not serving in ministry, I stay ready to serve as a professional actor, coach, mentor and content creator. My favorite past time is creating films and fun YouTube videos with my family. My biggest prayer is that all that we do elevates the human experience so when anyone asks “why?”we can simply point them to Christ. 

Matthew Vasquez: 

Hi I’m Matthew Vasquez, and this is my first year on Core! My family and I moved to Atlanta from Orlando in 2014, and have been involved at St. Ann’s ever since. I got to experience Life Teen all through high school (2017-21), which cultivated my relationship with God. I love watching and making movies; I enjoy writing, reading, music, and playing sports & games with family and friends. As I continue to grow in my own faith life, I’m thrilled to be a part of Life Teen once again, journeying alongside the teens and helping lead them closer to Christ!

Jim Viviano:

 I am originally from Houston, Texas where I graduated from St Pius X High School and the University of Houston with an Architecture degree. I have lived in Alexandria, Virginia and St Louis, Missouri before moving to Atlanta in 2005. I practice architecture as a sole-proprietor and my work focuses on a life-long passion of providing housing and health services for our most vulnerable brothers and sisters who are experiencing homelessness. My wife Mikki and I live in Roswell, and I have a 22-year-old daughter.

Participating in LifeTeen is important to me because it is a conduit for the Holy Spirit to work through everyone who participates in the program. And if I can help lead even one teenager closer to Christ, that is enough for me.


I went through the Life Teen program as a teen (Walton ‘16) and joined core after graduating from Georgia Tech in 2020 to pour back into the program that shaped how I love, lead, and - most importantly - know God. I work for Deloitte Consulting to elevate Customer Experience for various government agencies to improve the daily life of Americans, using a technology and data focus.  Forever seeing God’s blessings in this life through waterfall hikes, beach sunrises, country concerts, smoothies/frozen coffee, paddleboarding on the river, and a GT win!!


I would describe myself as someone with a childlike spirit who loves to have fun and soak up the joys of life. I enjoy many hobbies including frisbee, soccer, swimming and basically almost any sport. I currently play on a Whiffleball team and used to play in a dart league. I grew up in North Carolina, so I am a big Tar Heel fan for college basketball. In football, I root for the East Carolina Pirates (ECU alumna). I love Life Teen and look forward to seeing the teens who inspire me every week. I pray that I will be the mentor and encourager they need to grow closer to Christ and their faith: “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will never depart from it" - Proverbs 22:6


My family and I reside in Marietta and have been parishioners at St. Ann since 2016. David (my hubby) and I have identical twin daughters (23) and another daughter Hannah (17). We adore our two sweet mini-Aussies and Ragdoll kitty - pure unconditional love! I enjoy traveling - especially to Italy. Growing beautiful roses and doing Pilates bring me joy as well. I am so grateful for my Catholic faith. Confirmed at 33, my faith has pulled me through life’s ups and downs in powerful ways. Recently, I became a Eucharistic Minister and I am so looking forward to my first year as a part of Core and Life Teen. Last but not least, my favorite Bible verse is Romans 8:28. 

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