Knights of Columbus

The Knights of Columbus is a faith and family-based Catholic men's organization dedicated to charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism.


Super raffle winners are listed each week on the Council #8376 page.


Peter J Dapremont

Cell: 770-605-7854 


For more than 140 years, the Knights of Columbus have brought men together, in true Christian charity, using their time, talent and treasure to support the work of the parish and the greater community. 

Established on April 17, 1983, St. Ann’s Knights of Columbus Council #8376 numbers nearly 300 men of all ages, some of whom have been in the group since its inception. Step on campus and chances are it will not take you long to encounter a Knight. From Lenten fish dinners and Christmas tree sales to blood drives and free-throw contests, members of the group are highly recognizable to parishioners.

Members strive to live out the mission of the Knights: to empower Catholic men to live their faith at home, in their parish, at work and in the community. The Knights are centered on the principles of charity, unity, fraternity and patriotism. St. Ann’s council funds several causes, ranging from food and clothing for those with disabilities to ultrasound machines for the Pregnancy Aid Clinic. The council also finances annual youth scholarships. Members lend their time and talents to the USO welcome group at the Atlanta airport, the annual Memorial Day Mass at Marietta National Cemetery, Special Olympics and community blood drives.

Our council is very thankful for the many gifts the Lord has given us. We are grateful to be able to give back.

Join Us for the Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Dinners!

Come enjoy a delicious Lenten meal with family and friends at our Knights of Columbus Fish Dinners!

Fridays during lent at 5:00pm

La Salette Hall


$15 per Adult

$7 per Child

$37 per Family (Max 2 Adults, No Child Limit)

Children 3 and under eat for free.

A perfect way to observe Lent while sharing a meal with the community! Bring the whole family and enjoy a great evening together.

Tee It Up for Charity!

The Knights of Columbus, Council 8376, is proud to announce our 10th Annual Knights of Columbus Charity Golf Classic, set for Monday, April 14, 2025, at the picturesque Indian Hills Country Club in Marietta, Georgia ( This exciting event will raise funds to benefit the Knights of Columbus Charities and support the Catholic Church of St. Ann.

Check-in begins at 8:00 a.m., with a complimentary breakfast available to all participants. The shotgun start for this 18-hole event will kick off at 10:00 a.m., and players will enjoy a beautiful day on both the Seminole and Choctaw courses, which are adjacent to each other at Indian Hills.

Virtually all funds raised through this event are distributed in full at the end of each fiscal year, ensuring that every dollar supports our mission and charitable endeavors. Join us for a day of golf, camaraderie, and giving back to the community!

Baby Bottle Boomerang Fundraiser Supports Local Pregnancy Centers

Thanks to the generosity of St. Ann parishioners, the Baby Bottle Boomerang fundraiser, held during Respect Life Month, raised funds to support local Pregnancy Resource Centers.

On February 13, Peter Dapremont, Grand Knight, and Pete Weiland, Director of Life Programs, presented $2,000 to The HOPE Center in Woodstock, which has helped over 11,000 clients and saved 1,683 babies in the past decade. And on February 18, they donated $7,612 to the Pregnancy Aid Clinic (PAC), serving Roswell, Atlanta, and Forest Park. PAC recently celebrated 40 years of service, providing 1,300+ ultrasounds and helping 393 women choose life in 2024 alone. These donations will receive a 20% match from the Knights of Columbus Supreme Council ASAP program, further extending the impact of this fundraiser. Thank you to all who contributed to this life-saving effort!

Knights of Columbus - Presentation of Star Council Award

Knights of Columbus Our Lady of LaSalette Council 8376 Earned the Star Council Award for the 2023-2024 Fraternal Year. The Award was presented Wednesday 16 October 2024, at the 6:30pm evening Mass. 

The Star Council Award recognizes outstanding achievement in membership, insurance, and programming. To achieve the Star Council Award, a council must earn the Father McGivney, Founders,’ and Columbian Awards. Earning a Star Award is the marker of a high preforming Knights of Columbus unit and the goal to which every council, district, and assembly should strive.

Knights of Columbus donations

Teen Award - 2024

Congratulations to the winner of the

2024 Chris Early Memorial Teen Award 

William Pool.


Peter Dapremont presenting Karen Miller a $1,250 check for the SVDP Food Pantry.

$350 for the Handmaids of the Secret Heart

Peter Dapremont presenting Juanita Alvarez a $350 check for the Handmaids of the Secret Heart.

Tommy Nobis Center -- $3,043.39

The Knights were able to present a donation with funds collected from the Tootsie roll drives in the 2023-2024Fraternal Year.


Cobb County Special Olympics -- $2,500

The Knights were able to present a donation with funds collected from the Tootsie roll drives in the 2023-2024Fraternal Year.

Special Needs Cobb -- $2,000

The Knights were able to present a donation with funds collected from the Tootsie roll drives in the 2023-2024Fraternal Year.

Carry the Cross Challenge 2024

Teen Award - 2024

Congratulations to the winner of the

2024 Chris Early Memorial Teen Award 

William Pool.


Peter Dapremont presenting Karen Miller a $1,250 check for the SVDP Food Pantry.

$350 for the Handmaids of the Secret Heart

Peter Dapremont presenting Juanita Alvarez a $350 check for the Handmaids of the Secret Heart.

Become a Knight

See what drew some of our parishioners to join the

St. Ann council in this video.

Join here
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