Troop 383 is a multi-level troop open to girls in Kindergarten through 12th grades (Daisy-Ambassador Girl Scouts). We meet on one or two Sunday afternoons per month throughout the school year at the Scout Lodge or at other locations for unique outings. The Girl Scouts earn badges covering a variety of topics of their choice, go on outings to enrich their experience, attend local events held by other Girl Scouts or community partners, and complete community service projects. Some Juniors-Ambassadors (4th-12th grades) choose to earn the Girl Scout High Awards of Bronze, Silver, and Gold. 


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Generous Giving

Girl Scouts in our parish dedicated their Christmas’s party time and resources to support My Brother’s Keeper ministry at St. Ann. Parents of the scouts generously donated all supplies (including $10 gift cards to various fast food restaurants) for 25 Good Samaritan’s Bags. Scouts had an opportunity to learn about the ministry and assemble the bags during their
December meeting. Thank you to all parents for very generous donations and thank you to My Brother’s Keeper representatives for sharing about your ministry and participating in our meeting. 

Love of learning: Scouts design kits to boost math, reading proficiency

St. Ann's  Girl Scouts Troop 383 assisted Knight at the Blood Donation Drive on Sunday, November 17. 

Thank you Knights for your invitation and this amazing opportunity for our scouts.

Three St. Ann Girl Scouts who attend some of the best schools in Cobb County noticed a learning discrepancy among students in their community. So in pursuit of a scouting award, they decided to create math and reading game kits that can be used in the classroom or during tutoring sessions.

“Some kids don’t get as good of an education as others,” said Rebecca Walsh, a seventh grader at Dickerson Middle School, “and we want to make sure that everyone can get the best education possible.”

The girls’ research showed several elementary schools in Cobb County have below average math and reading levels and a high percentage of children who are economically disadvantaged. The girls hope these games can be used to instill a love of learning and help to improve skills, said scout leader Jane Lloyd.   

“I believe that if we make learning more fun in elementary school, kids will end up loving learning and achieving higher education as a result,” said 13-year-old Gabriella Angryk.

The first game kits the scouts developed were delivered to students at Pope High School to use in their weekly tutoring program at Brumby Elementary. Reaction from school administrators has been encouraging.

“Everything that your team put together looks great!” Lindsay Barnette, assistant principal at Pope, told the scouts. 

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