NEW: Archdiocese of Atlanta Laudato Si' Podcast: Every week the team produces a new episode that explores how faith and sustainability connect. Weekly guests will help us find out how we can better care for our common home.
Visit to listen to all episodes. Catch the first episode below.
Pope Francis published On Care for our Common Home (Laudato Si') in 2015, continuing a long-standing Church tradition of environmental responsibility. The pope's writing calls all of us as faithful people toward sustainability. It reminds us that caring for our brothers and sisters means caring for the home we share, a responsibility Pope Francis calls "essential to a life of virtue."
St. Ann's Creation Care Team was formed in 2022 by parishioners who studied Laudato Si'. The team will share information about caring for our environment as well as opportunities to make a difference in our local community.
Pope Francis challenges all of us to examine our lifestyles, work together and educate each other. We must serve as its stewards not only for our St. Ann's family, but for our fellow human beings across the globe and for future generations.
The Creation Care Team always welcomes new resources and new members. To learn more, contact us.
Click here to read about recycling myths in a recent issue of the East Cobber magazine.
Here are some resources to get started in education and ways to make an impact:
(links take you away from the webpage.)
Laudato Si' information
Food Waste
General information
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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