Altar servers assist the priest during the celebration of Mass. It is an excellent opportunity to participate more fully in the liturgy and is a good way to get to know the Mass in a special and personal way. Training is required.
Joanne Simpson
770-552-6400 x6024
Trainings are held periodically in the church with the Liturgy staff. Dates are shared in the parish bulletin, social media and here on the website. Look for an upcoming date, soon!
1. Must be baptized and have received First Holy Communion.
2. Fourth grade or older. Adults are welcome.
3. Mature enough to understand responsibilities and to carry them out with reverence.
4. Should be a member of the parish.
What would you do to get the best seat at Mass without going to seminary? If you’ve made it to the fourth grade and through the first few sacraments, you’re a shoo-in for a primo spot.
Altar servers get a priest’s-eye view and an opportunity to give back to their parish each week. Serving at the altar is a good way to get to know the Mass in a special and personal way, said Father John Gabriel, adding, “But don’t worry, priests mess up sometimes … that means you can, too!”
After altar servers go through a formal training, they hone their skills on the job. By signing up as the third or fourth server, they can get used to the flow of the Mass. And if they forget a job, the Mass coordinator is in the pew behind to give them a nudge.
“I like to be an active participant at Mass,” said Kathryn Palazzo, a seventh grader who serves frequently.
To better organize these vital roles in the Mass, the servers have been added to the online scheduling system used by the lectors and the music ministry. Please make sure you are in the system by emailing Joanne Simpson.
4905 Roswell Road, Marietta, Georgia 30062 | 770-552-6400
Office hours: 9:00am - 5:00pm Monday - Thursday
9:00am - 2:00pm Friday
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